Analogue autumnal colours 2023

This autumn I was exited to go out and capture woodland colours with my Intrepid 4×5 camera and the Ricohflex TLR. Both visits to the Vijlenerbos however did not went as expected. The first outing I used the Ricohflex TLR. This photo walk took place in horrendous conditions. Shooting slow shutter-speeds in stormy conditions was…… Continue reading Analogue autumnal colours 2023

Ricohflex adventures

Last weeks I have been mostly out with the Ricohflex Dia. It is a TLR camera and certainly older than me. Some months ago I bought it from a camera-shop in Japan. It took some time and import duties to arrive at my place. It is a film camera for shooting 120mm film in the…… Continue reading Ricohflex adventures